
Wrag Barn Golf Club

Ladies Championships 2022

A summer of blue skies and sunshine has allowed many people to enjoy their golf at Wrag Barn without the worry of juggling with umbrellas or searching for waterproof coats. This wonderful spell of weather has brought its challenges as we found ourselves in the unprecedented situation of having to postpone the first date for the Ladies Championship due to extreme heat and some people were unable to play, but there was a strong field nonetheless

The results are as follows:

Gross competition and Ladies Champion

1st place Gill Loughrey

2nd place Ellie Webster

3rd place Shelia McNeil

The nett competition

1st place Jane Bale.

2nd place Alison Talbert

3rd place Tracey Judd

The Daphne Willmett bowl was won by Di Reeve

Many congratulations to the winners and thank you to the organisers and Arkells who sponsored the liquid prizes.


Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.